• Real MLM Software
  • +91 (946) 124 2905
  • +91 (735) 733 3221
  • realmlmsoftware@gmail.com

MLM Software Features

Real MLM Software Features

Customer/User Master
  • Register New User
  • Update User Detail
  • Search by Name, ID, Phone, PAN No., Date, Referral ID etc.
  • Change Password
  • Change Transaction Password
  • Payment Statement
  • Generate Payout
  • Create Income
  • Update Transactions
  • Paid Payout Report
  • Tax Deduction Report
  • Processing Charge
  • Admin Charge
  • Month wise Collection/ Payout Summary
Achievements & Promotion
  • Achiever List
  • Promotions
  • Level Information
  • User information
  • Rewards/Incentive
  • Rewards Achiever
  • Issue Rewards
  • Rewards Delivered Report
E-Pin Generator
  • Generate e-Pin as Per Joining Amount/ Product wise
  • Issue e-Pin Code
  • Cancel e-Pin Code
  • Integration with Joining
  • E-Pin Code Status Report
  • Search e-Pin Code
  • E-pin Code transfer
  • Transferred e-pin History
  • Paid Payout
Cheque Printing Module
  • Issue Cheque
  • Print Cheque
  • Manual Cheque Print
  • Re-issue Cheque
  • Receipt Printing
  • Welcome Letter Printing
  • Label Printing
Reports for tracking
  • All registered Users List
  • User/Customer Status/Detail
  • Downline
  • Direct Frontline
  • All Group Report
  • Genealogy – Tree View
  • Direct Tree
  • Matrix Tree
  • Binary Tree
  • User wise Payment Status
  • Payout Detail
  • Promotion wise payout detail
  • Phone Number List(Mobile)
  • Cheque wise User List
  • PAN NO Report (Updated / Not Updated)
SMS Management Panel
  • User Integration
  • Welcome SMS
  • Transaction SMS
  • Birthday SMS
  • Customize SMS to User
  • Payment SMS
  • Integration as per requirement
Dynamic Operator/ Staff Control Panel
  • New User Entry
  • Edit/Update everything
  • Tree view, Issue Cheque etc.
  • Print Report Like Downline, Tree & Statement etc.
  • Full Controlled by admin
RD/FD Management/ NBFC
  • Create Agent
  • Agent List
  • Agent Promotion
  • Promotion Master
  • Add Customer
  • Customer List
  • Installment Master
  • Renewal Deposit
  • Collection Report
  • Scheme Master
  • Maturity Status Report
  • Due Renewal Report
  • Agent Commission Master
  • Agent Commission Statement
  • Active / Deactivate agent
  • Penalty Statement
  • Block / Unblock Customer
  • Agent Wise Customer report
Re-Purchase Management
  • Business Volume Setting
  • Total PV/BV (Business Volume)
  • Repurchase Status
  • Accumulative BV report
  • Repurchase Payout
  • Repurchase Item Master
  • Repurchase Status of Direct Downline
  • Customized repurchase Reports as per need
Franchise Management
  • Make Franchise
  • Issue Franchise
  • Edit/Update/Delete Franchise
  • Franchise Detail
  • Franchise Stock Status
  • Franchise business summary
  • Franchise to Other franchise Transaction
  • All Tracking Reports as per need
Loan Management/Microfinance
  • Make Loan Scheme
  • Loan Scheme Master
  • Installment Scheme Master
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly Installments
  • Penalty & Grace Period Setting
  • Payment Collection Report
  • Current Balance Status
  • Due Installment List
  • Maturity Status Report
Search Engine Optimization
  • Website Analysis
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Ad Posting
  • Keyword Research
  • Keyword Finalize
  • Back Linking
  • Search Engine Optimization Strategy
  • On Page Optimization
  • Off Page Optimization
  • Content Optimization
  • Initial Ranking Report
User Control Panel
  • Dash Board
  • Profile
  • Downline List
  • Matrix Tree
  • Binary Tree
  • Pin Box
  • Pin Transfer
  • Wallet
    1. Wallet Statement
    2. E-Pin Generate by Wallet
    3. Withdraw Amount
    4. Fund transfer Facility
    5. E-pin transfer History
  • Direct Tree
  • Account Status
  • Level Achieved Information
  • Commission Statement
  • Change Password
  • Show Promotion Report
  • Logout
Website designing
  • Home Page
  • About us
  • Mission
  • Vision of company
  • Business Plan/Opportunity
  • Products
  • User Login
  • User Registration
  • Legal
  • Terms & condition
  • Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ)
  • Photo Gallery
  • Contact Us
Content Management (CMS)
  • Latest News/Updates
  • Pop-Up Management
  • Seminars/Training Schedule
  • Reward/Royalty Achievers
Document Backup
  • Export to Excel
  • Export to Word
  • Export to Pdf
  • Export to Csv
Domain Registration
  • 1 Domain Registration
  • 1 Sub Domain
  • Domain Control Panel
Web Hosting
  • Window 2008 Server
  • MS SQL 2005/2008
  • Unlimited Web Space
  • 10 Email accounts
E-Wallet System
  • Wallet Statement
  • ePin Generation
  • Add/remove Fund To wallet
  • Fund transfer to other IDs
  • ePin Transfer
  • Epin transfer History
  • Refund of Generation ePins
  • CR/DR & All Transaction as per need
Product Management
  • Unlimited Category Management
  • Manage Products Categorywise
  • Add Product
  • Edit/Update/Block Product
  • Product Master
  • Product Detail
  • Sales Reports
  • Print Invoices
Payment Gateway Integration
  • Pay Pal
  • CCAvenue
  • Alert Pay
  • EBS
  • Austpay
  • Transfirst
Stock/Inventory Management
  • Stock Status Report
  • Franchisee Repot
  • Request products Detail
  • Issue Product
  • Product History
  • Courier Detail
  • Request Status Report
  • Customized Reports as per need
Real Estate Management
  • Plot/Scheme Master
  • Plot allotted Detail
  • Installment Scheme Master
  • Down Payment Detail
  • Due Installment
  • Buy Back Report
  • Paid Installment
  • Maturity Report
  • Dynamic Product Catalog
    1. Dynamic Category Management
    2. Product Management
    3. Order Management
    4. Customer Management
  • Shopping cart
Mobile Banking
  • Create e-pin
  • Transfer e-pin
  • Withdrawal Request
  • Balance transfer to downline
  • Balance transfer to Self Other Account
MLM Plan Consultancy
  • Plan Suggestion
  • Plan Designing
  • Plan Feasibility
  • Feasibility Analysis Report